
Everything you need to know about raising cats at home

Many people are inclined to keep pets at home due to their positive impact on mental and physical health. Cats, in particular, are among the top choices for home companionship because they are entertaining, adorable, and add an atmosphere of fun and happiness to the household. Below, we will discuss some important points about preferred cat breeds for adoption and how to care for them, including nutrition and handling.

Top 10 Domestic Cat Breeds: The types and prices of domestic cat breeds vary, so before getting a house cat, it's important to know the suitable type and price for you. Here are some of the most popular breeds:

  1. Siamese Cat: Siamese cats are among the most intelligent house cat breeds, known for their love of play, climbing, and a lively personality. They bond closely with their owners and are vocal, so if you prefer a quiet environment, Siamese cats may not be suitable.

  2. Persian Cat: Persian cats have long fur that requires care to prevent shedding. They come in various colors, including white, black, blue, and brown, and have diverse eye colors, such as blue, green, and honey.

  3. Egyptian Mau Cat: One of the oldest cat breeds, the Egyptian Mau, dates back to ancient times, with drawings found on temple walls. Known for its speed and love for play, it often has distinctive black spots on its coat.

  4. Birman Cat: Birman cats are affectionate and particularly gentle. They are considered one of the best house cat breeds for being obedient and calm. They have an attractive and beautiful appearance, with usually white fur and long, silky hair.

  5. Siberian Cat: Originating from Russia, Siberian cats are known for their strength and survival skills in the Siberian forests. They have long, waterproof fur, and their eye colors include green, blue, and gold.

  6. Himalayan Cat: A cross between the Siamese and Persian breeds, the Himalayan cat loves play and interaction, especially with children. If you prefer a quieter environment, this breed might be suitable as they are less vocal.

  7. Turkish Van Cat: The Turkish Van is known for its beauty and uniqueness, as it enjoys swimming due to its water-resistant fur. It has captivating eyes, often blue or green, and each eye may have a different color.

  8. Sphynx Cat: The Sphynx cat is distinctive for being entirely hairless. Despite its unique appearance, it is very playful and enjoys attention. Available colors include white, black, and gray.

  9. Scottish Fold Cat: Known for its folded ears, the Scottish Fold cat has a medium size and soft fur. It is a calm and easygoing breed, with colors ranging from white, fawn, and blue.

  10. Bengal Cat: Bengal cats have a distinctive spotted or marbled coat, resembling that of a wild leopard. They are known for their active nature and love for climbing.

Important Tips for Caring for House Cats: Pets, especially cats, require care in terms of cleanliness, nutrition, and attention. Neglecting their needs can negatively impact them, and they may refuse food and water. When considering adopting a cat, follow these tips:

  • Consult a veterinarian before adopting a cat to ensure it is free from infectious diseases.
  • It's advisable to adopt a cat at the age of two months for easier training.
  • Vaccinate the cat against viruses at three months, with booster shots every year.
  • Provide preventive vaccinations against insects and worms as recommended by the veterinarian.
  • Encourage the cat to use a litter box by placing it in a quiet place and training it from a young age. Clean the litter box daily and change the sand in it.
  • Wean the cat at two months, gradually reducing the number of meals to two per day to prevent obesity.
  • Restrict the cat from consuming dairy products, sweets, onions, garlic, and grilled food.
  • Cats can eat dry food specially formulated for them. You can also give them small servings of boiled chicken, fish, mashed and boiled potatoes, boiled and mashed carrots, or low-fat cheese.
  • Bathing is essential in winter and should be done twice a week in summer to maintain cleanliness. Use cat-appropriate shampoos and soaps, and comb the cat's fur after bathing to prevent matting and reduce hair shedding.
  • Train the cat to brush its teeth regularly to prevent gum infections, bleeding, and bad breath.
  • Provide suitable toys for cats, such as balls and threads, to prevent boredom, as they love playing and having fun.

Precautions to Prevent Infection Between House Cats and Owners: Some precautions should be taken when raising house cats to prevent infections. Among these precautions:

  • Ensure regular vaccinations for cats and visit the veterinarian at least once a year to check their health.
  • Wear gloves when cleaning the litter box, and wash hands thoroughly with soap and water afterward to avoid infection with bacteria such as Salmonella.
  • If a cat scratches you, seek immediate medical attention for rabies vaccination, as symptoms may not appear initially, and delaying the vaccine by 24 hours renders it ineffective.




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